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The Jiujitsu Supplement Database | The Best Supplements for BJJ


The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #019

Mobility🧘🏽‍♂️ •Strength 💪🏽 •Nutrition 🥑 •Interesting🧐

Edition: Friday, June 9th, 2023

Supplements are not as important as quality nutritious food, but they can make a difference in sports performance.


Muscle growth, sports performance, recovery, and general health—all can be influenced by the supplements you take! 🥦🥩💪

I've put together the ultimate supplement resource, the Jiujitsu Supplement Database. And the best part? It's absolutely free to you as a Kieren Lefevre BJJ Subscriber.

📝You'll find:

  • Perfect for mobile browsing 📱
  • Detailed data on various supplements categorized by their benefits to BJJ.
  • A short summary, potential side effects, recommended dosage, and when to take each supplement.
  • My personal cost-to-benefit rating, so you can choose the most effective and economical options.


For example, did you know Magnesium—categorized under general health—offers benefits for blood pressure, sleep recovery, and even boosts testosterone levels? And with a high cost-to-benefit rating of 5/5, it's a perfect choice for any BJJ athlete! 🏋️‍♂️

Want to dig deeper?

Just tap "Learn More" and unlock a world of comprehensive insights on each supplement, including descriptions, how and when to take them, potential side effects, cost-to-benefit explanations, pricing ranges, and links to key studies. 📚

Searching for something specific? Use the nifty filter feature! Select the desired benefit—stress relief, sleep improvement, testosterone boosting, strength gain, and more—and see all the supplements proven to help.

Make your supplement database experience even more convenient by turning it into an app on your phone—no downloads required!

On iPhone, just open the link in Safari, hit 'Share', scroll down to 'Add to Home Screen', and voila! You have a handy supplement guide at your fingertips. On Android, you can do the same thing in any browser.

This free resource is yours to use and share with fellow BJJ athletes. Your input matters too! If you have any feedback or want to see any supplements added, head over to the 'Start Here' page and submit a feedback form.

Cheers to your health and performance, and remember—keep rolling and evolving!

Get instant access to the database by clicking here.

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