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Fitness vs. Performance | Which Is Best For BJJ? s&c

There is a massive difference between improving your fitness and performance for grappling.

In 2023, I moved from Sydney, Australia, to a small country town in the middle of Sweden.

I went from training 6-10 BJJ sessions to 2 sessions per week.

I saw a severe reduction in my mat fitness,...

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The Ultimate Training Splits for BJJ s&c

A training split is how you group exercises in a workout plan.

One common split is the "bro split." This is where each workout focuses on a different body part, like bodybuilders do:

  • Day 1: Chest
  • Day 2: Back
  • Day 3: Shoulders
  • Day 4: Legs
  • Day 5: Arms

Another way to train is by doing full-body...

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Stop Lying To Yourself | The Reality of Jiu-Jitsu bjj mindset s&c

Jiu-jitsu is a physically and mentally demanding sport that carries risks.

The primary risk in jiu-jitsu is injuries.

Injuries in jiu-jitsu are high, with over 60% of grapplers expected to experience at least one two-week absence from jiu-jitsu due to injury.

Lifting weights is the number one...

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How to Get Ahead of 99% of Grapplers bjj mindset mobility nutrition recovery s&c

To get ahead of 99% of grapplers, you only need to put in 15% more effort.

Getting ahead has never been easier because the bar is so low.

'Just showing up' to training is not enough to get ahead (it's the minimum to participate).

When I first started training, I was obsessed with getting better....

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The 6 Best Exercises for BJJ

If I had to choose just six strength exercises out of the thousands of possibilities to support my jiu-jitsu training, this would be it.

I have selected one exercise from each of the primary movement patterns:

  • The Hip Hinge
  • Squat
  • Horizontal pull
  • Vertical pull
  • Horizontal push
  • Vertical push


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4 ways to get better at BJJ (off the mats!)

You can do a lot to improve your performance in jiu-jitsu and accelerate your learning.

This article will teach you the best methods to improve your jiu-jitsu off the mats.

Method 1. Take Notes After Class: Active Recall

Taking notes after you train is a hack to supercharging your jiu-jitsu...

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STOP Neglecting These Four BJJ Strength Areas s&c

The odds are high that you're neglecting one or all of these four critical elements in your training:

  1. Core
  2. Rotation
  3. Carry
  4. Grip


These four areas are often missing from conventional bodybuilder "bro-splits" and powerlifting programs.


These four elements are "unnecessary" for...

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Get a Better Gas Tank for Jiu Jitsu

"Jiujitsu gas tank" is an all-encompassing term to describe your capacity for work on the mats.


This term comes from an analogy of comparing your jiujitsu energy reserves and "mat fitness" with a car gas tank.


If you fill the same amount of fuel into two different cars and drive...

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How to Train for Grappling Power s&c

Power is your ability to exert maximal force in as little time or with as much speed as possible.


The ability to apply grappling techniques with maximal strength and speed is a game-changer for your grappling performance.


The Types of Exercises that Develop Explosive Power


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4 Step Blueprint To Get Strong For BJJ s&c

As a jiu jitsu performance coach, I've assisted over one thousand (1,083+) grapplers in their journey to get strong and reduce their risk of injury on the mats over the past three years. 


By the end of this article, you will have the exact roadmap I use to get strong for BJJ. Save...

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Is Running Good For BJJ? s&c

If you find yourself asking the question:


"Is running good for BJJ conditioning?" 


Then the chances are you're gassing out during your jiu jitsu sessions. 


The problem in this case is your "jiu jitsu conditioning".


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