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STOP Neglecting These Four BJJ Strength Areas s&c

The odds are high that you're neglecting one or all of these four critical elements in your training:

  1. Core
  2. Rotation
  3. Carry
  4. Grip


These four areas are often missing from conventional bodybuilder "bro-splits" and powerlifting programs.


These four elements are "unnecessary" for...

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Get a Better Gas Tank for Jiu Jitsu

"Jiujitsu gas tank" is an all-encompassing term to describe your capacity for work on the mats.


This term comes from an analogy of comparing your jiujitsu energy reserves and "mat fitness" with a car gas tank.


If you fill the same amount of fuel into two different cars and drive...

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How to Train for Grappling Power s&c

Power is your ability to exert maximal force in as little time or with as much speed as possible.


The ability to apply grappling techniques with maximal strength and speed is a game-changer for your grappling performance.


The Types of Exercises that Develop Explosive Power


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4 Step Blueprint To Get Strong For BJJ s&c

As a jiu jitsu performance coach, I've assisted over one thousand (1,083+) grapplers in their journey to get strong and reduce their risk of injury on the mats over the past three years. 


By the end of this article, you will have the exact roadmap I use to get strong for BJJ. Save...

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Is Running Good For BJJ? s&c

If you find yourself asking the question:


"Is running good for BJJ conditioning?" 


Then the chances are you're gassing out during your jiu jitsu sessions. 


The problem in this case is your "jiu jitsu conditioning".


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Fast BJJ Workouts for Busy People s&c

Lifting weights will reduce your risk of injury on the mats and improve your performance.


But alas, I hear you say, "I don't have time to lift weights!" 


I won't lecture you about how this is an 'excuse'  or copy and paste the response, "Just...

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Attention All 'Unathletic' White Belts!! bjj mindset nutrition s&c

You may have been drawn to jiujitsu because you want to learn self-defence. 


Or you've listened to too many episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience or the Jocko Podcast.


Either way, BJJ is a fantastic way of staying active and 'getting into shape'.


Suppose you've just...

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Don’t Use Your Strength in BJJ is TERRIBLE Advice bjj mindset

"Don't use your strength when you roll" is terrible advice. 




This "well-intentioned" advice is misleading, ignorant and not at all helpful. 


When I first started training in jiujitsu, I was already physically strong.


I was told that I...

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The Absolute Best Hip Stretch for Jiujitsu mobility

If I could choose only one stretch for jiujitsu forever, it would be the Couch Stretch. 


I learned this movement from the great Kelly Starrett in his book Becoming a Supple Leopard. 


Kelly describes the Couch Stretch as his "favourite hip opener, and...

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5 Ways to MOVE Better for BJJ mobility

If you can move your body better, your jiujitsu will get better.


At the highest levels of BJJ, mobility is acknowledged as the key to unlocking the latent potential of some jiujitsu positions (especially guard).


Lachlan Giles has spoken about how stretching and...

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5 Things I Did To Get STRONG for BJJ

After a BJJ roll, I often get a backhanded compliment...


"Wow, you're so strong."


Which is then immediately followed up by a question...


"What do you weigh?... What? No way, I thought you were 20lbs heavier."


In some cases, the climax of this post-roll encounter ends...

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